Jesus loves children, and so do we. We believe they are never too young to be discipled and, like our Lord, we say, “Let the little children come!”

Creative School of Ministry (CSOM)

Every child has God-given talents and gifting. We want to come alongside both parents and children to discover them and grow those gifts! With training and nurturing, we hope to see the children used these amazing talents to serve Him, not just in the church but outside the walls of the church too! We believe that each and every one of them can and will be a light and testimony for our Lord Jesus Christ.

There are various classes for different age groups from age 5 onwards. Feel free to contact us for more details.

Holiday Fun Club

The Holiday Fun Club (HFC) is an evangelistic programme held for 4 days during the mid-year school term break. Look out for more info!

Children's Camp

We conduct camps annually during the year end school holidays. Stay tuned and do contact us for more details.

Children's Ministry Teachers' Training Programme

The Children’s Ministry Teachers’ Training Programme (CMTP) trains and equips parents, Sunday School teachers and Children’s Ministry helpers within and outside FGAKL to effectively minister to children.

Want to help? You could…

Be a teacher or helper in the Children’s Ministry for children of various age groups

For more information

Head of Department: Ho Chin Kong
Tel: 019-267 6138

Contact person: Peggy Lian
Tel: 03-79814755 ext.237