Upcoming Discipleship Program
Date: 5th November 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 9.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: FGA Main Sanctuary Basement Room 1
Breakfast at 9.00 a.m (as long as it last)
For F&B planning, kindly register your name by call or WhatsApp:
Bro Ong Lam Keong (019-3801803)
Bro Wong Chok Vai (019-3368029)
Bro Lee Kum Quan (012-3095287)
Knowing where the greatest rewards lay should motivate leaders to focus on actions necessary to achieve them, but little has been delineated about leadership rewards.
A. B. Bruce observed: “There is no certain work where there is an uncertain reward.”.
These rewards allow virtuous leaders to enjoy the fruit of their labors and to experience a deep sense of fulfilment.
The three rewards leaders can anticipate when they lead according to God’s standards are:
1. The Reward of Heaven, on God’s affirmation to fulfilling the Divine calling;
2. The Rewards of Relationships in the families, colleagues and friends;
3. The Legacy on life work, the contributions to a successor and the Kingdom of God.
Based on the study of the book “Spiritual Leadership” by Henry T and Richard Blackaby chapters 13
Facilitator: Bro. Eugene Woon , FGA. KL
In continuation of the” Spiritual Leadership” series. Learning together through study material,
personal sharing, small group discussion, and Q&A
Recommended for leaders and applicable to all generations of men. Aspiring young leaders are encouraged to attend.