Elder Dr Ng Soon Gan

Elder Dr. Ng is a cardiologist by profession. He is married to Ang Poh Goon and blessed with 3 sons. Dr Ng joined FGA in 1981 and was appointed an Elder of FGA by the Oversight in 2005.

Passionate About:
Bringing the lost into the body of Christ & Making Disciples!

Chairman Elder Liew Hoi Foo

Elder Liew joined FGA in 1986 and was appointed Chairman Elder in 2017. He also serves as the Church Treasurer. He and his wife Mary have 4 children.

Passionate About:
FGA being a joyous, God-blessed family, where children are respectful to their parents and take good care of them, and young adults successful in the market place in the ways of the Lord.

Co-Chairman Elder Wong Ah Chiew

Elder Wong is a Co-Chairman Elder of FGA. He has been with FGA KL since 1983. In 1987, he moved over to the Chinese Church where he is now the Chairman. He is married to Kim Poo and they have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. 

Passionate About:
Evangelism and raising young leaders

Co-Chairman Elder Dr Khoo Kay Hup

Elder Khoo practiced as a veterinarian for 10 years until he answered the call to full-time ministry in 1990. He was appointed elder in 2009. Currently he is the Vice-Chairman of NECF where he assists the Head of NECF Prayer Commission to activate the Prayer Altar Initiatives among the churches in this nation.

Passionate About:
Seeing the Body of Christ rise up and grow in their relationship with God and in prayer.

Elder Dorai Manikam

Elder Dorai joined FGA KL in 1992 as a pastor after leaving his job as a lecturer in UPM. In 2007, he was appointed as one of the Elders of FGA. He is married to Lilian Bulan and they have 3 daughters.

Passionate About:
Spreading the gospel, making disciples, creating a disciple-making movement, hearing God’s voice and encouraging missional families!

Elder Ho Kien Keong

Appointed as an elder in 2009, Elder Ho is an architect with a passion to see young people raised up to be leaders in their time. He currently serves as the Division Head of Generations Ministries. He is married to Ivy, and they have 4 children.

Passionate About:
Seeing others fruitful in Christ and encouraging the Body of Christ to build God’s Kingdom together.

Elder Saw Lip Hean

Elder Saw joined FGA KL in 1989 and was appointed as one of the elders in 2009.  He serves now as Division Head for Support Ministries. He is married to Sau Kheng and they have 4 children.

Passionate About:
That all disciples are grounded in the Word, and think rationally like Christ and be relevant to the society God has placed them in

Elder Robert Cheah

Elder Robert joined FGA in 1984 and was appointed one of the elders in the FGA Oversight. He is also serving as Deputy Chairman of FGA Chinese Church. He and his wife Shirley have 5 children and 13 grandchildren.

Passionate About:
Evangelism and soul winning

Elder Joshua Tee

Elder Joshua is a pastor and missionary who was appointed as elder in 2024. He joined FGA in 1988 and is a member of the oversight and Chinese Church Committee. Besides that, he is also the Chinese Church Senior Pastor and oversees the Kuchai, PJ, Klang and Balakong Chinese churches. Married to Janet, they have 2 daughters and 2 sons.

Passionate About:
Evangelism, church planting and raising up leaders, pastors and the next generation.

Who are our Founders?

The late Dr Koh Eng Kiat and Bro Ang Chui Lai, co-founded FGA together. They poured their entire lives into this work that God had called them to do.

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